I am a Clinical Associate Professor in the department of Statistics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign since Spring 2020.
I have been in UIUC since 2014 in the ISE department. Before that I spent one year at CUNY (City College), two years at UC Santa Barbara. I did my post-doc at INRIA Nancy (France) under the supervision of Samy Tindel.
I received my Ph.D. from the department of Statistics at Purdue University in 2009 and my thesis advisor is Frederi G. Viens.
PhD Students
Carolina Carvalho Manhaes Leite, ISE (co-advised with Dr. A. Wooldridge)
Dr. Xiang Cui, Statistics, graduated May 2022, (co-advised with Dr. Y. Chen)
Dr. Qi Zhao, ISE, graduated August 2021
Zhao, Q., Chronopoulou, A. “Weak Convergence to Rough Volatility Models driven by Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process”, 2022, Submitted.
Zhao, Q., Chronopoulou, A. “Is volatility rough? An empirical study”, 2021, Under review.
Cui, X., Chronopoulou, A. “Multiple Sampling for Estimation of fractional Brownian motion”, 2022, Submitted.
Yuceel, A.I, Leite, C.C.M., Chronopoulou, A. and Wooldridge, A.R. “Analyzing the Usability and Acceptability of Wearable Sensors for Health Care Workers.” 2022 HFES Conference Proceedings.
Leite, C.C.M., Chronopoulou, A. and Wooldridge, A.R. “Detecting Burnout of HealthCare Workers in a COVD-19 Testing Laboratory” 2022 HFES Conference Proceedings.
Zhao, Q., Chronopoulou, A. “Hedging risk in fractional volatility models”, Annals of Finance, 2022.
Deb, B., Sharma, M. Fletcher, J. G., Srinivasan, S.G., Chronopoulou, A., Chen, J., Bailey, K., R., Feuerhak, K., J. and Barucha, A.E. “Inadequate Rectal Pressure and Insufficient Relaxation and Abdominopelvic Coordination in Defecatory Disorders”, 2021, Gastroenterology, In Press
Ogolsky, B., Meijia, Sh., Chronopoulou, A. et al “Spatial proximity as a behavioral marker of relationship dynamics in older adult couples” 2021, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
Chronopoulou, A. and Spilopoulos, K. "Sequential Monte Carlo for fractional Stochastic Volatility Models." 2017, Quantitative Finance.
Spiliopoulos, K. and Chronopoulou, A. "Maximum likelihood estimation for small noise multiscale diffusions."2013, Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes,6(3) , pp. 237-266.
Chronopoulou, A. and Tindel S. “On inference for fractional differential equations.” 2013, Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, 16(1), pp 29-61.
Chronopoulou, A. and Fellouris G. “Optimal sequential change detection for fractional diffusion-type processes” 2013, Journal of Applied Probability, 50(1), pp. 29-41 13.
Chronopoulou, A. and Viens, F.G. “Stochastic volatility models with long memory in discrete and continuous time.” 2012, Quantitative Finance, 12(4), Special Issue: High Frequency Data Analysis.
Chronopoulou, A. and Viens, F.G. “Estimation and pricing under long memory stochastic volatility.” 2012, Annals of Finance, 8, pp. 379–403.
Chronopoulou, A. “Parameter estimation & calibration for long memory stochastic volatility models." 2010 in “Handbook of Modeling High Frequency Data in Finance.” Editors: I. Florescu, C. Mariani and F. G. Viens, Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd.
Chronopoulou, A., Tudor, C. and Viens, F.G. “Self-similarity parameter estimation and reproduction property for non-Gaussian Hermite processes." 2011, Communications on Stochastic Analysis, 5, p. 161.
Chronopoulou, A., Tudor, C. and Viens, F.G. “Variations and Hurst index estimation for a Rosenblatt process using longer filters." 2009, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 3, pp. 1393–1435.
Chronopoulou, A., Tudor, C. and Viens, F.G. “Application of Malliavin calculus to long memory parameter estimation for non-Gaussian processes." 2009, Comptes Rendus - Mathématique, 347(11-12), pp. 663-666.
Chronopoulou, A. and Viens, F.G. “Hurst index estimation for self-similar processes with long memory.” 2009, “Recent Advances in Stochastic Dynamics and Stochastic Analysis." Editors: J. Duan, S. Luo and C. Wang, Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd.
Jump ARCHES, Monitoring the Health of the Hospital: Using Wearable Sensors to Monitor Nursing Stress (January 2022 – January 2023), Co-PIs: Dr. Abigail R. Wooldridge (ISE, UIUC), D. McCarter (OSF Healthcare).
UIUC Faculty Retreat Grant, Thinking Creatively using Regression, June 2021 – July 2022.
NSF DMS 1811859 (Division of Statistics), Estimation, Filtering and Simulation of Long-Range Dependent processes (August 2018 - July 2021), Sole PI
Future Interdisciplinary Research Explorations, Office of Research, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Advancing Methods to Identify Behavioral Signatures of Relationship Health in Older Adult Couples (September 2018 - August 2020), Co-PIs: Dr. Brian Ogolsky, Dr. Shannon Mejia
Strategic Instructional Innovations Program, College of Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Reforming ISEs Stochastics Sequence (August 2015 - July 2016), Co-PIs: Dr. Richard Sowers, Dr. Douglas King, Dr. Ruhuan Feng.
Simons Foundation Collaboration Grants for Mathematicians, Statistical Inference for Processes with Long-Memory and Applications (September 2014 - August 2019), Sole PI